my brother

2008 - 2010

Created by johncrystalwelker 14 years ago
It wasn't untill sometime in 2008 that through some research I was doing that I even knew Walter existed. Leona was trying to find family of carl welker, my father, and I thought it quite odd that she was looking for my father and claiming to be his granddaughter. Well, as it turned out, she was correct. She introduced me to a borther I never knew I had. Since finding each other, Walter and I talked almost every weekend. In the short time I was allowed to share in his life, I have grown to love walter, mary, leona and walter Jr. very much. I have found that walter and I have so much in common. Expically since we never knew about one another. Same favorite football team, Same favorite color. both of us lived in michigan, missouri, and texas. We both chose the St. Louis Cards baseball team. And his son and my sons would almost pass for twins. Walter was always encourageing, and very easy to laugh. Surely, a peice of my heart died with Walter Welker, my brother. And yet I have more family through him. Mary, Leona, and Walter Jr.